- Iowa DNR's NRGIS Library - download free GIS data of natural resources and the environment
- Iowa State University - Iowa Geographic Map Server - online aerial imagery and map services
- Iowa DOT GIS Data - download free Iowa DOT GIS data
- ICIT GIS Data Repository - download Iowa county GIS data
- NRCS Soil Data Mart - download NRCS Soil Surveys
- Iowa Geospatial Data Clearinghouse - a search tool for Iowa GIS data
- NSGIC GIS Inventory - a search tool for GIS data across the US
- Geo.data.gov - a search tool for federal GIS data
GIS Help
GIS Organizations
- Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC)
- Iowa Counties Information Technology (ICIT)
- MidAmerica GIS Consortium (MAGIC)
- National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)
- Eastern Iowa GIS Users Group
Nice Gis data resources and metadata tools. Nayakcorporation.com is a good company that provides GIS mapping services.